Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, 2010 is gone. But, certainly not forgotten!
We rang in the new year as a family, and with the company of our friend, Bryanna Benson.
We actually banged pots and pans together.
I'm not much on New Year's Resolutions. Probably because I'm practically perfect in every way. Jokes.
No, but seriously, I prefer tentative goals. We are going to go on more dates, and I am going to get my hair cut regularly!
Walker is planning on having honey for the first time in 2011, and Michael is going to become a 29 year old man and also trust my ever-correct instincts more.
I just made this up.
I'm excited for the new year, though. I'm more excited for a lot of things, now that Mikey and I have Sev to show the world to. He is such an angel. Heavenly Father has blessed us so much with just 7lbs 12 oz. of pure happiness.
Babies, as you know, don't search for happiness. They take it with them where they go.
That is a new goal of mine. In fact, I spontaneously resolve to take happiness with me, instead of pursuing it.
I am so excited for Valentine's Day, too! Like Kirsten Cohen, I think it may become my favorite holiday.
I already have Michael's gifts all planned out! I'm so happy to have a big, handsome lover valentine, and a smallish monster-pants little boy for a mini valentine.
Love you guys!


Melissa Fielding said...

did you seriously just reference the OC? Please tell me yes :) I will follow in your steps by not signing in blood on resolutions - I like the tenative ones too.

Bonny@Spontaneousniceties said...

Melissa, I KNEW you'd like it!