Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Walker B. and Daddy and Me

Walker is growing up so quickly. I have some videos to post that are now outdated, because he is so different. I'm going to post them anyway. I love it when he talks! He tries so hard to match your tone, and is thrilled when you match his. He talks with me, but goes wild with his daddy. Michael will have Walker lying on the bed, and I will hear this bellowing and squealing coming from the other room only to go in to see my son yelling at the top of his lungs at his dad. It is the funniest thing. All Michael usually responds with is, "What?". Here is a particularly good video that exhibits Walker's vocal range.

Michael is a officially a fireman now. I thought that finishing the Academy would mean that I would see him more. Hahaha. Volunteer firemen, in St. G., are always on call. Always. That small black box is with us everywhere we go. To work, to Grandma's, to bed. It's true. I have been sleeping the sound sleep of a new mommy with a 4-month old, only to hear an incredibly piercing buzzer sound. We wake up and Michael heads out. I get a little bit grumpy about this pager, as you may be able to tell. I do want him to go on lots of calls, and he loves it. I suppose I just feel like I would like to be able to count on him being around! It's a fairly new occurrence, so we're just starting to set limits, and parameters, so we know when we are too far out of town to turn around and go back for a call.

This is M in his brush fire (I think...) turn-outs. Walker is blurred. You noticed. Very good. There were a few of a non-blurry Sev, but this one truly captures the vigor with which Walker was eating his father's mask. We sometimes call him Zombie Baby, because he loves the taste of faces, arms, hands, etc.


Malea said...

Walker is getting so big!! I can hardly believe his sprouting! What a stud! Mina is proud! :)
I love reading your blog! It makes me feel as if I am there walking with you, or going to go visit teaching. We love you all!

Eve said...

So cute!! I love it! He's so alive and happy. I can't wait to meet this little guy.

Kaylyn said...

I just watched this video again and Kendall was talking back to Walker. Little buddies!